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A Commitment To Human Rights

Tim Kanellitsas


October 19, 2022

Dear KXR community,

Our country continues to face tragedy and failure as a result of deep-rooted institutionalized systems of oppression. May 25th was a reminder; the ongoing list of stolen Black lives, police brutality, systemic socioeconomic inequality, and disproportionate political and academic representation are only a few examples and evidence demonstrating the magnitude of these issues.

Though supporting organizations standing up to white supremacy and supporting the Black community is of the utmost importance, the most powerful step we can take is committing to continued self-education. This is an ongoing project and a life-long journey of continued learning and growth; not a box we check after a few weeks. We must continue to educate ourselves on systems of oppression and how they manifest in our daily lives, and the toxicity it continues to breed throughout this country. We implore our community to do the same.

We would like this post to be a resource for our community. We hope that by providing a list of outstanding organizations at the frontlines of combating these issues, we can assist them in extending their reach and support. We also hope that by providing a list of educational resources, our KXR community will not only be well versed in the matters of institutional inequality and racism, but actively support and strengthen the organizations, schools, and communities opposing these issues.

We want to be explicitly clear: KXR supports the Black Lives Matter movement, and any organization fighting for human rights. To be silent during these times is to be complicit with the historical inequality in this country. We believe it is vital that we educate ourselves, speak out against the injustices, and most importantly, provide space for members of the Black community to have their voices heard. This is a matter of right vs wrong.

So what can we do?

  1. Continue studying- there is no shortage of academic research and literature around systemic racism, and it is our individual responsibility to seek these out. It is not the Black community’s responsibility to teach us. A few resources to begin the journey:
  2. Antiracist Allyship Starter Pack
  3. Justice in June - for individuals trying to become better allies
  4. Scaffolding anti-racism resources
  5. Prioritize Black representation across leadership teams.
  6. Adopt recruiting and hiring practices prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  7. Invest in employee training programs emphasizing diversity, and counteracting workplace racism and marginalization.
  8. Establish HR policies and procedures that foster workplace equality.
  9. Embed diversity and inclusion priorities into team culture, and hold colleagues, peers, and communities accountable.
  10. Continue to support organizations actively working against systemic and institutionalized racism.
  11. Support Black-owned businesses.
  12. Vote. Vote locally and vote nationally to empower those driving systemic change.

Thank you for reading. We look forward to learning with you.
